• KeenAlignment - Transforming Cultures

    KeenAlignment - Transforming Cultures


    Business Services

    About Us

    Coaching people at work to thrive in the face of change.

    Our body of work evolves the human system by shifting the context that people operate from, elevating the energy of individuals and teams, and catalyzing the collective genius in the workplace.

    Using a unique combination of experiential coaching, science-backed development tools, and actionable strategies, KeenAligments work empowers leaders to evolve themselves and their organizational culture to meet the moment. Working in partnership with executive and HR teams to ignite emergent cultures, clients experience increased employee engagement and higher organizational performance improvement by a minimum of 35%. With a contagious energy and undeniable candour, we have supported hundreds of companies and thousands of people in revolutionizing how they relate to themselves, each other, and to the work they do.

    Areas of expertise:

    Organizational Development


    Operating System (EOS)



    Talent & Performance


    Team Building
    Business Strategy


    Human Resources & Talent Management

    Women’s Leadership Development

    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion